Meat is our Bread & Butter!
Our team seeks out and works closely with the best possible meat producers, to ensure that we are always ahead of the game and living up to Australia’s reputation as the “Best Meat in The World” – ethical, naturally high in flavour and premium eating quality. Our strong relationships and buying power also enable us to secure the best available pricing for our clients.
We only supply product that complies with the Meat Standards Australia (MSA) quality program, which is designed to take the guesswork out of buying and cooking Australian red meat.
MSA involves all sectors of the supply chain from paddock to plate. A wide range of cattle and sheep management practices, processing systems, cuts, ageing periods, and cooking methods have been researched to determine the impact each has on eating quality. All meat is tracked from paddock, through processing, to shipping, with every step stringently controlled and documented to ensure that it meets both our strict export regulations as well as importing countries’ requirements.
With a wide variety of chilled or frozen meat products – beef, lamb, pork, poultry and game, as well as premium smallgoods – our very own Prestige logistics team diligently carries out rigorous food safety, packing and handling procedures, including compliance with all Customs and Quarantine requirements, to ensure everything is of the highest quality when it leaves our purpose-built consolidation facility at the Melbourne International Airport, and particularly when it arrives at its destination.
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